Our suggestion is to understand exactly, which are own desires and needs and to communicate as much as possible with the Photographers.

And another suggestion, if you want your Wedding pictures to be extraordinary, is to look for Creative Wedding Photographers.
Rome and actually Italy in itself are splendid in low season. You avoid crowds of tourists, the prices are in general more reasonable and your complete relax is assured.
Rome in Autumn: shades of red and orange caught by your Creative wedding photographer
If you have decided to marry in Italy, you will have the opportunity to meet the Best Italian Photographersand you will learn, how they keep being creative, although they regularly shoot Weddings.
The secrets of Creative Wedding Photographers
Creative Wedding Photographers are Professionals, who want to stay creative, while regularly performing their job and who want to offer always outstanding service and products. But how do they manage to stay creative?
Inspiration is the key of a creative work and the right inspiration can be found in very normal things, such a book, a landscape, a piece of art or nature like in La Posta Vecchia
The right equipment is also fundamental, because with instruments, which are up to date, it’s possible to achieve better results
Continuously learning is a must for Creative Wedding Photographers. Even if they are the best in their field, they know that they can never stop learning: through books, workshops, seminars and also talking to colleagues and other Wedding vendors
The importance of having creative Wedding pictures
Your Wedding is something very special for you. Therefore, you don’t want your Wedding Day just look similar to all others.
The creativity of your Wedding pictures depends on your Destination Wedding Photographer indeed, but also on you.
So, try to think out of the box and ask your Photographers to find unusual spots for the shooting, to play with the light, and to look for original elements.
Italy, you know, is one of the most romantic places in the world. Therefore, it is a perfect Wedding destination, where you will have a great Wedding day, that you, your family, and your guests will remember forever. In order to evaluate a photographer, you should take into account also the way they shoot at night. If your wedding in Italy will last after the sunset check out night shots in their portfolios.
What mostly you won’t see in the photographer’s gallery are the party pictures, that my team and I really love capturing in order to give you back a complete memory of your wedding. A photographic wedding portrait is often based on the Italian stunning and iconic landscape that my studio is willing to capture, as all of our clients request having these “classic” yet always amazing pictures.
As destination wedding photographer in Italy we do not force couples to “caged posing activities”, we simply chose the spot with the best light where they are free to move around and be framed.